Saturday, August 14, 2010

Garden Updates

So after all that designing and planning of the new opened 20'x20' area, we are going to go with the most basic plan with the rectangular beds.

Yes, I know... BOOORING! I have a rebuttal: Anne, who is one of my favorite followers of this blog mentioned a very good point. If we are going to have chickens, it would be ideal to let the hens peck around the beds after harvest to till and fertilized the soil. If we want to do that, we'll need to have equal sized beds to build a "Chicken Tractor" cage for these beds.
Elephant Head Amaranth
Alma Paprikas
The Sun-chokes are about 15' tall now, and still hasn't flowered! I don't think we'll be growing these next year. As robust as they are, we aren't very fond of the flavor of the tubers. This massive plant conglomerate is the growth of just 6 tubers we planted early spring! Isn't that crazy?
Here's part of the 20'x20' area being used as a nursery for now. Notice the stakes in the soil, that's where some of the new beds are going to be built. We placed the plants within the beds so that the watering will soften the soil so it's easier to dig
Here's the last of the zucchini blossoms for this plant. I've started another seedling but, it will be a few weeks before it will be productive.
Amish Paste Tomatoes
Lots and lots of figs, and our freezer is full already


flask said...

nothing about your blog is boring. i read every last entry.

Mr. H. said...

A very well thought out garden plan and I really like what you are doing with the birds.Those paprika peppers are looking mighty fine.:)