Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Garden Updates

We had to use a batch of dough to clean out the new pasta machine, so we're having fun with it.
Peppers, Strawberries, Blackberries, and a Radish
shy pumpkin
tomatoes and pepper plants
blackberries starting to blush
young red potatoes
more red potatoes, peppers and zucchini
old yogurt cups being recycled as seedling pots
zucchinis, oranges, grapefruit, radishes, strawberries, Gerbera daisies, and bok choi cabbages


Kory said...

I'm very envious of your peppers, for whatever reason my seedlings refuse to get bigger than 2" tall.

AJK said...

I have to confess, these peppers were bought as plantlings... so they were about 4" tall when they were planted.(organic ones $3.99 each...hehe but 1 organic pepper costs that much) I am however, growing the next batch from seed... we'll see if they get any taller than 2" tall. Right now they are about 2". Have you added lots of compost on top of the soil for the little guys? They love manures, lots of water, and mulch.