Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Harvest Updates; May 9th 2012

Hi Everyone! It's been a good while, and I apologize for not posting sooner!
We went to visit my sister in Oahu to see our new nephew and to see our families both on my side and Tim's. Now, we're back! Here are some of the harvests from the past month. Please keep in mind, this is probably about 1/5 of our total harvest. We just can't keep up with everything that's coming in, plus I was gone, and my brother was helping me pick some strawberries that went straight to the freezer.  I'll snap some Garden Updates pictures soon!

Here we have some beets, snow peas and strawberries
 The upper left are "seri", lower left, carrots of course, and to the right, lettuce and baby amaranth.
 Lots of strawberries and peas, tree collard greens, shungiku (edible chrysanthemum) and loquats
 Our 1st Garlic harvest, along with baby carrots and potatoes!


BLD in MT said...

Great photos! I like the multiples in one frame. I hope you had a great time traveling and being with family. Good for you.

AJK said...

Thanks BLD! I like the multiples too, but it takes a bit of time to arrange them in Photoshop! ;) Hope all is well with you.