Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Garden Updates, January 2011

Poor plumeria! The frost really gave it a good beating.

Banana plant heavily damaged from frost...the seedling papayas (not pictured) are barely hanging on to life. :-(

Front garden planted with Napa Cabbages, Broccoli and Primroses.
Lettuces loving the morning sun
Fenced off! We're trying to keep the dog and cats out of our raised beds, esp while the soil has just been tilled and seeded. This has been planted with carrot seeds
Cabbages relishing the glow of the gentle sun
Snow Peas, this year the production is really low compared to last year.
Learning the trade young. Our son stripping leaves from the White Guava tree so we can use it as dry matter for the compost.  We give him a little $ to do some chores, which he stores up for college.
Me looking mighty frumpy, trimming the orange and guava tree

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