Monday, September 28, 2009

August 2009 Harvest Tally

Sorry this is so belated. Life has been hectic for me and tallying up these numbers do take a good chunk of time.

Asian Pear 25.25 lbs

Tomatoes 20.81 lbs

Figs 18.47 lbs

Carrots 06.13 lbs

Tangerines 05.50 oz

Zucchini 05.31 lbs

Komatsuna 04.94 lbs

Watermelon 04.63 lbs

Bulb onion 04.25 oz

Petit Gris Musk Mel 03.00 lbs

Broccoli Greens 02.88 lbs

Beans(green+purple) 02.29 lbs

Bittermelon 01.85 lbs

Green Tomatoes 01.81 lbs

Japanese Cucumber 01.72 lbs

Eggplant 01.11 lbs

New Zealand Spinach 13.00 oz

Kale 10.00 oz

Stevia 04.50 oz

Peppers 03.50 oz

Basil(sweet&purple) 01.80 lbs

Blackberries 01.50 oz

Myoga 01.00 oz

Strawberries 01.00 oz


Peaches 15.50 lbs


Limes 06.50 oz

Pounds tallied: 98.20 lbs

Ounces tallied: 36.30 oz =2.68 lbs

Total: 100.88 lbs


jake said...

Nice work Janice! Just AWESOME! My tomatoes are suffering as Ive been working on the house lately instead.

AJK said...

Thanks Dave! I really really envy those tomatoes of yours, 50 plants, yikes! Where do you have the room for that many?

pdxlisa said...

I am amazed at your farm output. Nice job!

Frugal Canner said...

Wow I had not thought of adding up all the food I grew or foraged in a year! I will certainly do that next year. Good for you.

Mike said...

Amazing. What part of the world do you live in? I am impressed by the quantity but even ore by the variety. How much space are you using to grow so much?

AJK said...

I'm in Southern California, United States. We are blessed with a long growing season, but with very little rain. Our plot of land including the house is 8,650 sq ft. I think we used about 1500 sq ft of land to grow the food in. There is room to expand for more growing, but it will be a gradual process. Thanks for dropping by!